Follow these quick & simple steps to save time and eliminate any errors that may be introduced due to manual input.

Bulk upload franchise data using excel sheet

Upload franchise data

Navigate to Contacts -> Franchise tab from the left hand side menu on your dashboard.

Click on the Bulk Upload option to import franchise information. Download format on the Bulk upload franchise page to download an excel sheet. 

The downloaded excel sheet will contain the different columns to capture your franchise information. The columns will reflect the various fields of franchise information that you need.

Add your franchise data into the columns of the downloaded excel sheet and save your changes.

Select file to choose the sheet with the filled data that you want to upload, and click Upload.

Review uploaded data

Once uploaded, the updated sheet is visible under the Bulk upload's list section.

It takes about 2-3 minutes for the status of your uploaded sheet to change from Processing to Review.

Click on the Actions ⋮ button to make changes to the uploaded sheet. Download sheet lets you download a copy of the sheet, while View franchises lets you review the uploaded data.

If you notice any errors you can download the sheet, make corrections, and Re-upload sheet before you save the franchise data into your Swipez database. You can also delete the uploaded data using the Delete sheet option.

If you are ready to store your franchise data click on the Approve franchises option. And Confirm to update your franchise data.

The approved vendor data will be Saved within 4-5 minutes.

You can view your vendors under Contacts -> Franchise -> View Franchise menu option from the left hand side of the dashboard.